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Lights out is a new movie coming July 22, the movie follows Rebecca (Teresa Palmer) a 20 something Californian woman who lives above a tattoo parlor. When her younger brother, Martin (Gabriel Bateman), start to experience the same events that tested her sanity, Rebecca works to unlock the truth behind  the terror, which brings her face to face with an entity that has an attachment to their, mother, Sophie (Maria Bello). This movie tests the belief I have with my veritable safety in the dark, it honestly, wasn’t a terrifying film but it did spook me.

Lights, Sound, and Action

The movie was based on a short story David F. Sandberg, after watching the short film. The short film was most likely the better film because just like the short film, the movie was also short. It clocked in at only 81 minutes of runtime. This one of the fastest gets to the point movies I had seen in a long time. The movie only had two nights in the story where any scary scenes actually occurred. The Director pushed quite far with the jump scares, even at points where it actually got me. Sadly the movie relied too heavily on those jump scares. You only really get a good look at the monster one time during the entire film.

Characters in horror films usually play off a particular theory, and always have a character who dies in the beginning to set the mood for the story. The hero and the girlfriend/boyfriend who doesn’t believe the hero till the end. The comic relief character who helps keep the story light and witty. This movie kind of shattered the traditional roles with having a boyfriend, Bret (Alexander Dipersia) who was more than capable, dare I say it, he was honestly the boyfriend of the year. He pulled off stunts that usually are only reserved for the characters with plot armor on. Of course, I speak of the metaphysical armor that protects characters that are needed to move the plot forward. This movie was in no shape a comedy but during the scenes where Bret was being, well Bret, it had the entire audience laughing and applauding him the whole way through. He was the true hero of the film. Another notable exception was the brother, Martin, he proved to be more the capable during the film, saving his sister on more than one occasion.  He actually provided the comedic relief in the film, finding new ways to make light of their certain predicament.

The writing in the film was not particularly terrible, but not particularly great, though it had a couple good elements. The monster’s origin story was certainly interesting but a little far fetched with explaining it all. I thought the dynamic between the Rebecca and Bret was solid. It provided a smile to my face when Rebecca, a character with deep seated commitment issues, told Bret that he could have the entire bottom drawer to himself. The mom didn’t really have too much character development, the monster’s origin story centered around her, but she never really got too much character development. The brother did some superb acting because he acted as if he was really in that scenario which I really did like. He was screaming the moment those lights went off, and finding the best places to hide. He was smart and I think that was why I liked him a lot during the course of the film.

When the dawn breaks, what did you really think?

To sum it all up, Lights out was a decent horror film, it had a pretty spooky vibe and it certainly got me with a jump scare or two. I feel the movie could have been better with a slightly longer runtime, a little more character development or maybe even more locations. The movie was basically only filmed in Sophie’s house and Rebecca’s house. Which in most cases doesn’t make a movie bad, just kinda wished I would have seen more elements of the monster’s powers. The twist was certainly interesting, although I kind of saw it from a mile away, I will let you decide. The movie wrapped the story up pretty nicely but I am sure that  they may be able to pull a sequel off. If you are looking for a thrill, or you really like keeping your lights on, I highly suggest you go see this movie on Friday, July 22nd when it opens up.

Posted: 7/19/2016

“Mom, please keep the lights on”