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We are finally getting a sequel to the intense film  Sicario with Sicario: Day Of The Soldado. Now the question remains, does it live up to its predecessor? The answer is a resounding hell yes it does. The film picks up after the events in the last movie, with the US looking to find a way to deal with the drug cartels after a terrorist attack happens on US soil. Their solution is to create chaos and war between various cartels and to do that they call in the help of federal agent Matt Graver (Josh Brolin). Graver puts together a team with the plan of kidnapping one of the cartel leader's young daughter and use her as a trigger to set their plan into motion. When Graver seeks out the help of Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro), whom you will remember from the first film for being a total badass, things really get moving. However, as the story progresses and their choices get continuously harder and harder to make both men find themselves questioning the very thing they were hired to do in this incredibly gritty film.

Every once and a while a film comes along that leaves your nerves feeling almost raw and I have to say for me recently it was this one. There are so many intense scenes that you are seeing play out in front of you that your emotions are all over the place. Writer Taylor Sheridan has written a tangled web that we as viewers have to find our way out of before it can overtake us. The story is incredibly well done and the movie overall is very well directed. Stefano Sollima has really done an incredible job here with this follow-up film. 

I also can go any further without saying how amazing Josh Brolin and Benicio Del Toro are in this movie. They play these characters with such passion that you almost forget you are sitting in a theater watching this. It is a head trip when you are watching these two on screen because many times they are good guys doing bad things and bad guys doing good things. Their roles are fluid and are constantly evolving as their characters grow throughout the film. Many times during the movie you may catch yourself wondering what the hell would I do in this situation because most of the choices here are not easy ones.

The action in the movie is intense and I am not gonna lie, there is not a ton of downtime in the film because even when you aren't in the middle of a shootout there is always that element of danger surrounding every scene. You are just waiting for the other shoes to drop and a gunfight to ensue. To say it keeps it interesting is an understatement. Overall, Sicario: Day Of The Soldado earns itself an easy A in our book. If you liked the first film, you should really like this one. It turns things up to eleven and you won't be disappointed with the show. 

Don't miss Sicario: Day Of The Soldado in theaters everywhere June 29th.


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