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In a time of fake news, we need more movies like The Post. The film packs an all-star cast including Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep. The film centers around a tough time for The Washington Post as they transition to taking the company public and handle having their, as well as the country's, first female newspaper publisher at the helm. On top of all of that, they are struggling with keeping up with their main competition The New York Times who has blown wide open the story of the US involvement with the Vietnam war. When the government makes a move to censor the press, the post must face a tough decision to follow orders or stand up again censorship from the US government.
This film plays out like a train going up a mountain pass. The first hour felt a little slow and I know we needed to build the story and set the stage for the events that are unfolding, but it dragged a bit at times. However, the second hour of this film hits you like a freight train. Once the film gets the momentum it needs to get going it just doesn't stop. It was easy to get wrapped up in the story. This is the type of film that makes people want to take action and get into the political arena in some fashion. By the end of this film, I was ready to stand up to tyranny with two middle fingers in the air. The cast is really what brings the power to this film. Tom Hanks who plays the hard-nosed Editor of the post is his usual amazing self. He stands for justice at all cost and it is exciting to watch. Meryl Streep who plays the papers new publisher, Kay Graham struggles to find her place in a man's world, but when she finally rising to the occasion it is spectacular. Her character is so wishy-washy during the whole film you are just excited she is finally making her own decisions and doing what is best for her business and not for her personal friends or her co-workers. Also a great performance from Bob Odenkirk who plays journalist Ben Bagdikian, the man who brings the story to the Post's front door. As I have said, this film is packed with some really solid displays of talent. Director Steven Spielberg really is back with his "A" game with this movie.
Overall, I gave the post an A- and the minus is just for the sort of slow start to the film. it comes in at right about 2 hours, but I feel like we could have shaved a few scenes down here at there in the beginning. Outside of that, this movie was so good. I definitely recommend checking out The Post which hits theaters everywhere January 11th!
The Post
Rating: A-